A Simple Approach to Good Governance by Kim Thibault

Shristi Ram


February 22, 2023

In November 2022, Christian Savings held a national conference “Building the Church for Today and Tomorrow” where the topics from seven speakers focused on how governance of churches and charities can be promoted and practiced well.  

This is a recording from one of the seven sessions we held.

What exactly is governance, and what does that mean for the local church in New Zealand today? Many become an elder of their church, excited about serving the Lord… only to find they are now on a “board”, and there are compliance matters to deal with. In this session with Kim, we will explore governance and demystify local church leaders’ processes.

About Kim Thibault

Kim is a director of Christian Savings. She attends Whangaparaoa Baptist and was previously Finance Ministry Leader there. A serial entrepreneur, Kim spent 7 years with Youth With a Mission, helped pioneer a church plant in Siberia, and has lived in New Zealand since 1998. She currently works in the IT sector as the Co-Founder and CPO of BoardPro, a New Zealand board management software start-up.

Image credit: Supplied.

Any opinions expressed in this session does not necessarily reflect those of Christian Savings Limited.

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