Our Product Disclosure Statement gives you important information about an investment to help you decide whether you want to invest.
Christian Savings Limited has prepared this document in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
Christian Savings has been supporting churches with affordable loans for over 60 years. The funds we hold enable us to provide loans to Christian churches and charities, small and large.
Download our latest Annual Impact Report to learn more about us and what we've been up to.
Download our Financial Statements and Audit Reports to see a clear, verified overview of our financial health, accountability, and stewardship.
Christian Savings’ credit rating is BB+, Outlook Stable. Christian Savings has been rated by Fitch Ratings Inc. (Fitch). Fitch gives ratings from AAA through to D. Fitch’s most recent report was issued on 20 December 2024.
A credit rating is an independent opinion of Christian Savings’ capability and capacity for timely payment of its financial obligations and repayment of its debts (in other words, its credit worthiness). It is not a guarantee that the financial products being offered by Christian Savings are a safe investment. Christian Savings’ credit rating should be considered alongside all other relevant information when you are making an investment decision.
Christian Savings is committed to complying with its obligations under the Privacy Act 2020 when dealing with your personal information.
This policy describes when we may collect personal information and how we can use it.
Our Product Disclosure Statement and other key information about Christian Savings Limited can be found at disclose-register.companiesoffice.govt.nz (search for Christian Savings Limited under ‘Disclosure Register’).”
The Disclose Register lists offers of financial products and managed investment schemes under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
Under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) Legislation, Christian Savings is required to get a self-certification of tax residency from our clients.
The CRS requires New Zealand Financial Institutions to collect information about customers and their countries/jurisdictions of tax residence. This information is referred to as a customer’s self-certification and you will see this in your application documentation.