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Offer returns
with purpose

Bays Community Housing Trust

Are you looking for competitive financial returns and positive community impact for your clients?

At Christian Savings we've got you covered. We are New Zealand’s leading charitable deposit taker for ethical investments and lending. We’re 100% New Zealand-owned and committed to serving churches and community organisations that feed the poor, house the homeless, and protect the vulnerable. Our investment products are backed by first mortgages, and we have a proven track record and a 60+ year heritage in New Zealand. We're proud of our past performance having never experienced a loss on a loan*.

See our products

Now you can diversify your portfolio with a unique ethical cash option

Investing with impact is becoming easier across asset classes like stocks and bonds, but without a cash option, significant potential impact is left on the table.

Investments have traditionally been limited to:


Stock selection and a limited investable universe control where investment goes.


Social bonds and ESG / Environmental bonds are already packaged for impact.

Now there’s a Cash option too:

Christian Savings

With Christian Savings, now you can round out your or your clients' portfolio with an ethical cash choice that makes a difference in New Zealand communities.

Competitive returns

Term Deposit

The best option if you want to earn a more predictable rate of interest over a period of time.

Current rate
6 month term
Call Deposit

Your most flexible investment option.

Current rate
Call ≥$50,000

Social Impact

Your investment goes towards building spaces for communities. From social housing to schools, mental health services to churches, stretching from the far north to the deep south of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our risk management

Risk control

First mortgages only, no cashflow or unsecured lending.

Security, capital adequacy & liquidity

Capital adequacy and liquidity ratios maintained. Secured term deposits with Public Trust.

Cyber security & privacy

Experienced team protocols and comprehensive cyber-attack protection.

Monitoring & reporting

Audited bi-annually by RSM. Supervised by Public Trust. Quarterly returns submitted to RBNZ.

Experienced team

Considerable banking and finance sector experience.


Lending is geographically spread and distributed across multiple market segments.

Why invest with us

Competitive rates, often better than New Zealand’s largest banks for equivalent products
Your money stays in New Zealand and helps build the Kingdom
We are an RBNZ and FMA licenced deposit taker

You can count on over 60 years of experience

We are licensed by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and Financial Markets Authority.
We are supervised by Public Trust and are a member of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia.


"Impact investing is no longer a 'nice to have'; it fulfils a need in our country, and Christian Savings is an integral part of this. I appreciate the governance and leadership of Christian Savings, and as a financial adviser, I find it refreshing that we can play a small part in their ability to help organisations making a positive impact in our communities."
Tanya Gilchrist,
DecisionMakers (Tauranga) Ltd

Interested in investing with us?


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