Or choose a call account if you need the flexibility of adding or withdrawing from your account at any time. Open one or more accounts and watch your money grow while also building the Kingdom of God in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Term deposits may be a good option if you want to earn a predictable rate of interest over a period of time. Decide how long you’d like to invest your savings, from 1 month to 5 years, then sit back and watch your money grow.
You decide the term you’d like your funds invested for, from 30 days to 5 years. Interest is paid monthly, quarterly, or 6 monthly depending on the term.
Your interest rate is locked in, so you can enjoy the certainty and peace of mind knowing exactly what your return will be.
When the deposit comes up to maturity, you can invest more, change the term, or withdraw some or all of your investment.
A call deposit is your most flexible investment option. Similar to an everyday bank savings account, you can add or withdraw money whenever you like. Plus, earn interest on your savings at the same time.
Our interest rates are competitive, and often better than New Zealand’s largest banks for equivalent products.
Like an everyday banking account, your money is on-call. You can add to your call deposit or withdraw money whenever you like.
When you would like funds from your call account, we will transfer directly to your nominated bank account. There’s no limit to the number of withdrawals each month.
The funds raised by Call and Term Deposits are used to finance loans made to Christian churches and charities so they can build the infrastructure they need to thrive. Their interest payments, in turn, create returns for your term deposits.
We're looking forward to partnering with you. We know your time is precious, so we have an online application process. Making saving simple, straight-forward, and done in no time—the way it should be. To apply online just click "Apply online". Otherwise if you'd prefer a call or email click"Enquire".
If you’ve decided you’d like to invest today, just click on the ‘Apply online’ button. If you would rather talk it through first, please choose an option that suits you.