Governance and the Spiritual Overlap by Chris Bethwaite

Shristi Ram


February 22, 2023

In November 2022, Christian Savings held a national conference “Building the Church for Today and Tomorrow” where the topics from seven speakers focused on how governance of churches and charities can be promoted and practiced well.  

This is a recording from one of the seven sessions we held.

Governing in a church context can get messy. What are the boundaries between spiritual oversight and legal governance? Should both responsibilities be assumed by the same person? Knowing the difference in roles and how these apply to specific contexts is essential for a well-functioning organisation.

About Chris Bethwaite

Pastor Chris Bethwaite lives in Auckland, New Zealand with his wife and four children. He is an ordained minister with The Elim Church of New Zealand and currently serves as their National Administrator. The role sees him responsible for the smooth running of the Elim movement throughout New Zealand. He has been an Elim church member for over 35 years.

Chris also chairs the Interchurch Bureau, an ecumenical group that monitors changes in government policy, legislation, regulation or common law that may have a compliance focus or affect the business operations of the churches. They also advocate central and local Government on behalf of churches, to ensure that the needs of churches are taken into account.

Throughout his life, he has been involved in various church and youth ministries. Chris believes strongly in using the gifts God has blessed him with to serve the Church.

Chris is a keen sports fan, especially rugby, league, tennis and motor sport. He enjoys travelling and discovering new places, movies and spending time out with family and friends.

Image credit: Elim Church of New Zealand.

Any opinions expressed in this session does not necessarily reflect those of Christian Savings Limited.

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