MCBC becomes debt-free!

Shristi Ram


March 23, 2023

Congratulations! MCBC has paid off its debt of $2.4 million this January and is now officially debt-free! This is a major milestone for one of our customers as it signals an exciting new chapter in their journey. The church building was initially a purpose-built roller skating rink. When it was purchased, there were bags of flour stacked up almost to the ceiling as it was being used as a warehouse. However, Manukau City Baptist Church (MCBC) believed they were being guided by God to purchase this property.

It was by faith that Pastor Arnie saw great potential in this place where now there are multiple ministries being operated where a number of various ministries operate including Bible studies, youth groups, Mainly Music, indoor bowling, 24/7 gym, food delivery, op-shop, and café. The building is now constantly being utilised and has become a hub spot of gathering for many in the Manukau community.

Alastair Hall, also known as Pastor Arnie became a Pastor after being saved in the church, becoming a Youth Leader, a Youth Pastor and then a Lead Pastor. He also trained as an accountant.

The first time MCBC had an interaction with Christian Savings was when MCBC completed a housing development on their old church site about 14 years ago. Commercial banks didn’t show any understanding of how churches work. This was when Pastor Arnie came across Christian Savings (Baptist Savings back then) and made the decision to transfer the funds over to Christian Savings.

Not only did Christian Savings have competitive lending rates but also showed an understanding and faith in the church’s operation.

“Christian Savings has been great. They show understanding and invest in the work of Kingdom. I’m really grateful”.

MCBC took out a loan of over $2.4million which was the largest single loan amount sum back then compared with other borrowing customers of Christian Savings.

At the heart of this success story is the belief that God works in mysterious but wonderful ways. At MCBC, we have seen another testament to how His faith, love, and divine guidance help us to overcome any challenges that come our way.

“God really looked after us because we thought that we may have decreased amount of funds, especially during Covid, but it was actually the opposite. We actually were able to pay off more debt through those tough times.”

Paying off its debt of $2.4 million is the culmination of a long and arduous journey for MCBC. It has taken hard work and dedication to achieve this milestone and MCBC’s commitment to its financial strength and sustainability is something to be admired. The recent debt-free status of MCBC paints a positive picture of its mission going forward.

“We are looking at ways we may be able to help people get into the housing market among other options.”

Pastor Arnie, we thoroughly enjoyed the tour of your church and seeing how the place has been thriving! Also, thank you for the great $3.50 coffee. We are excited to see what God has in store for you in the next season!

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