Mission Drift: The Challenge for Governance by Chris Clarke

Shristi Ram


February 22, 2023

In November 2022, Christian Savings held a national conference “Building the Church for Today and Tomorrow” where the topics from seven speakers focused on how governance of churches and charities can be promoted and practiced well.  

This is a recording from one of the seven sessions we held.

History suggests that faith-based organisations will inevitably drift off the mission in the face of funding pressures, competition, hubris and a desire to stay relevant. It invariably fails and can even end great ministry. In this sense, this session will discuss the board’s central role in protecting the organisation’s vision, mission and valuation. It will identify corporate and personal practices board members can take to keep the founding vision and mission of the organisation alive the same time as adapting to a changing environment.

About Chris Clarke

Chris Clarke has over 25 years of leadership experience (14 years as CEO) locally and globally in public policy, health care, humanitarian development and the philanthropic sectors. Currently, he is the CEO of Wilberforce Foundation and Executive Chair of the Arrow Leadership programme. Previously he was CEO of World Vision New Zealand and CEO of Hawke’s Bay District Health Board. He has also worked for the World Health Organisation (Europe), NHS (Wales) and in a number of health sector roles in New Zealand.

Chris holds law and commerce degrees from Canterbury University and, since 2009, has been the inaugural Praxis Visiting Scholar at Green Templeton College, Oxford University.

Chris is a recognised public speaker, has highly developed communication and influencing skills and regularly appears in the media.

Chris is Chairperson of two NZ-based not-for-profits.

Image credit: Supplied.

Any opinions expressed in this session does not necessarily reflect those of Christian Savings Limited.

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