Helping people follow Jesus all over the world, no matter the cost.

Alex Perkins


September 6, 2022

Open Doors exists to help people follow Jesus all over the world, no matter the cost.

As persecution against Christians increases, Open Doors works not to stop persecution but to strengthen the church to withstand it. They do this through discipleship, emergency relief and community development.

‘In turn, we use the persecuted church’s pursuit of bold faith in the face of suffering to inspire and encourage the local church through our teams in Wellington and Auckland, says Dan Lake, NZ Regional Director, Open Doors.

“At Open Doors,we believe that you can’t encounter the faith of the persecuted church and be unchanged. The persecuted church are the perfect mentors for our faith because they have truly counted the cost of following Jesus and know that He is worth it, explains Dan.”

In North Korea,the most dangerous place in the world to follow Jesus, many in the underground church believe that it is too dangerous to tell their children about Christ until they are at least 14 years old - the age they consider that a child can keep a secret.  

To be a Christian in North Korea means risking everything - family, freedom, and even life itself. What a challenge for us to make the most of our freedom to proclaim the name of Jesus.

“Individuals,churches and groups can support, contribute to and learn from the persecuted church in a variety of ways,’ says Dan. ‘We’re so grateful to have the support of generous financial donors, incredible prayer warriors and everyone in between.”

“Open Doors has a history of financial integrity through annual audits and ministry reports. Therefore, it’s no surprise our supporters are financially conscious, looking to use their Kingdom-building resources wisely.”

In 2020, Open Doors joined the list of eligible charities you can support with a Charitable Deposit with Christian Savings. “A current ministry partner asked Open Doors to explore the charity donations option with Christian Savings, and we’re excited for what this partnership brings; greater accountability, greater stability,and more opportunities to bring the lessons of the persecuted church to New Zealand.”

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