Shristi Ram
October 8, 2023
Between August 30 and 13 September 2023, Christian Savings held a national governance conference “Building the Church for Today and Tomorrow – What is Fruitful Stewardship?”. Our conference was designed to help trustees, elders and officers better understand their governance duties. We took a closer look at some of the key stewardship issues our churches and charities are facing in this climate.
This is a recording from the day session we held in Christchurch.
How should we measure our stewardship? Lyndon has recently finished his doctoral studies on economic issues in Scripture. He shares a framework for setting stewardship goals and measuring outcomes from a biblical point of view, drawing on parallels from his experience in the Māori church and the concept of kaitiakitanga.
About Ven. Dr. Lyndon Drake
Archdeacon of Tamaki Makaurau
He recently completed a DPhil inTheology at Oxford on economic capital in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, and he has degrees in science and commerce, a PhD in computer science, andtwo other degrees in theology. He has many peer-reviewed academic publications in science and theology and has written Capital Markets for the Common Good: A Christian Perspective. Until 2010, he was a Vice President at Barclays Capital.
Image credit: Supplied.
Any opinions expressed in this session does not necessarily reflect those of Christian Savings Limited.