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Support Christian Savings

Ways to support
Christian Savings

There are many ways you can support the work of
Christian Savings. Find out what option is best for
you, your family or organisation.


Your deposits enable us to provide ethical loans to churches and Christian charities in Aotearoa. Check out our investment page for our different deposit options.
Explore Investment Options


You can help us spread the word by telling your family, friends or your church about Christian Savings.

Have a friend or family member that might be interested? Contact us for an information pack to pass on to them.

Follow us on Social Media to stay up to date. We would also love if you could leave us a review on our Facebook page or Google Business page, or share our page.


Leaving a gift in your Will to Christian Savings will
leave a legacy and help us to support New
Zealand churches and Christian charities.

It is important to discuss options with your family and receive advice from your solicitor about how best to do this.

You can update or write your Will to indicate your intentions.

The suggested wording is as follows:
"I give to Christian Savings Limited a sum of $____ (or a percentage, or a percentage of my Estate, or a description of the property or named asset given) for its general purposes and declare that the receipt of the authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge for my Trustee/Executors".

If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team.
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Outline graphic depicting hand nurturing a heart

Build healthy churches with us.


church and charity projects financed in Aotearoa, New Zealand


partners and investors, including individuals, families, churches and organisations


years of experience, partnering with churches since 1962